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Chimney Repair Services: Sweeping Away Your Worries


The kitchen chimney is considered to be one of the most important home appliances. Hence, it becomes quite crucial to maintain this commodity in its best condition. Any kind of negligence towards its maintenance could lead to drastic situations. One must understand that the main objective of the chimney is to remove the smoke from the house and thus, it must be cleaned at regular intervals. In this blog, we have talked about the importance of Chimney Repair in Cork.

Chimney Repair Cork

Exploring the Role of Chimney

The chimney is also identified as the architectural ventilation system of the house which works on the principle of removing the smoke that gets produced by the stove, fireplace, boiler and furnace. Typically chimneys are commonly made of clay, metal and masonry that facilitate in serving its function.

The internal components of the chimney either contain a hood or canopy, blower motor and filter. The synchronisation of the above components aids in pulling the harmful smoke out of the house. As the smoke gets expelled, the filter traps oil and grease particles. This ensures that the room is cleared of smoke.

In addition to that, let's explore some of the additional benefits of installing a chimney in the house:

[1] Prevention against respiratory problems

The kitchen chimneys are known for removing harmful smoke from the closed premises of the house. As a result, the residents won’t have to inhale the dangerous smoke and suffer from any severe respiratory problems. Prolonged exposure to the harmful elements of the smoke is one of the primary reasons for respiratory problems.

[2] Low maintenance of the kitchen

The chimney does the maximum amount of the work of removing the oil and grease particles from the smoke. Thus, you won't have to spend a huge amount of time and effort in maintaining the kitchen in its prime condition.

[3] Protecting the decor of the kitchen

Yes, chimneys play an influential role in sustaining the beauty of the kitchen by successfully trapping the smoke and grease particles. The decor of the kitchen usually gets damaged due to the continuous splash of oil and grease.

[4] Elevates the overall cooking experience

By installing the kitchen chimney you won’t have to worry about smoke and foul odour fuming up the entire kitchen. As a result, you get to cherish every moment that you spend while cooking your favourite food in the kitchen.

Exploring the Benefits of Chimney Repair Services

Taking proper care of the chimney is quite important as it ensures that the functionality of this efficient appliance isn’t compromised. With regular use, the chimney gets stuffed with numerous elements that could turn up to be a leading cause for igniting fire.

Opting for the maintenance service not only safeguards you from any potential danger but also saves you from the trouble of incurring huge amounts of expenses. Let's take a look at some of the reasons behind this repair service:

[1] Preventing carbon monoxide poisoning

As the chimney gets clogged with numerous particles it not only becomes prone to fire but also adapts the ability to release toxin elements. These toxins (a by-product of carbon monoxide) have the potential to trigger severe respiratory problems.

[2] Maintaining proper flow of air

The harmful particles that get blocked within the chimney could restrict the smoke to expel in the outer atmosphere. The smoke is further pushed back within the house which ultimately degrades the quality of indoor air and creates numerous health problems.

[3] Maximising the functionality of the chimney

Once every unwanted element gets removed from the chimney, the operating functionality of the chimney gets restored to its original condition. Being reverted back to its original condition, the heating efficiency of the chimney gets improved.



Remember, the continuous accumulation of debris within the chimney could develop catastrophic results. Thus, to stay safe from the occurrence of harmful incidents make sure to opt for chimney repair services. At Bell View Building Services, our professionals would take proper care without inflicting any damage to the chimney. In addition to that, we also offer Kitchen Renovation Services in Cork that work on maximising the space and amenities within the kitchen.


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